Smart & Sassy

Smart & Sassy

Working on the hidden stories, the ones that lie deep within our being – perhaps we brought them through with us….perhaps they reflect the hurt we felt from the past and buried, as we were unable to deal with it at the time, so there it all lies, processing,...
Another Generation

Another Generation

Another generation in my family is now dealing with a fractured relationship and split parenting of a child. This is our 3rd generation to do this, which began with me – and I have to wonder where did I go wrong? Was it me or was it my ex-husband? This thought...
It’s About Finding Your Magic

It’s About Finding Your Magic

Many years ago after my marriage had finished I was having a deep and meaningful conversation with a friend and the questions that kept coming up “Where is the Magic?” and “What happened to it, where did it go?” My friend’s husband had died suddenly so her stress came...