Are you looking for a clairvoyant in Auckland?

I am Trish Stewart, of Ngati Awa and European New Zealand heritage. I am a lifelong clairvoyant,
an artist, a gardener, a seeker of knowledge for my work, a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother!

I am based in Orewa and here to help you shift your perspective and to guide you through your journey. For as long as I can remember, I have loved sharing my knowledge and clairvoyant insights with people.

trish stewart

Private readings

My sessions are private and personalised, and before I meet with my clients for their personal readings, I take the time to tune in prior to your arrival.
I use essential oils to be guided to which ones to share with you. Essential oils are little bottles filled with pure magic and the essence of each plant helps heal from a cellular level and to restore emotional balance.

Upon arrival, I ask you for your date of birth, this is my key into your vibration and your story.

Now is a good time of the year to review the last 12 months and see what you would like to change for 2023. A personalised reading can assist you in understanding emotional pathways and roadblocks to look for and navigate through.

Book your reading today and take the holidays to plan your year with confidence and awareness.


I also run small workshops. Lockdown taught me to bring it all back home and keep it small. Rather than book venues, it is now more personal and easier for people to participate. Living in Orewa makes it easy for people to locate me.

I have enjoyed meditation for many years now, and I am still often amazed at how good I can feel after a session. I first started to meditate to help clear my mind and destress. At the same time, I realised I could receive answers to questions that had been bothering me. It was also the time I understood how healing meditation can be.

Please enjoy the small excerpt from my book

The Magic of Meditation

Meditation helps to still my mind and allow the answers to flow

Often life can be stressful with all the pressure placed
on our relationships to perform, as parents, children, siblings, friends, employees and employers. There always seems to be someone who needs our time, space, energy or income.

We can find ourselves ragged and tired and there appears to be little joy in our lives and our laughter often sounds hollow, not quite hitting the mark.

Meditation allows you to take time out and give back
to yourself: to nurture yourself and be still. You will feel calmer, more relaxed and in control of your life instead of the other way around.

Meditation is a present moment experience; a sense of being in the moment, instead of concentrating on future goals and past experiences. Meditation helps you to focus on yourself right now. No one else can take this journey for you.

And in the stillness the answers will come

For meditation to work you must be willing to learn, have an open mind and above all be patient. It is a good idea to set aside the same time each day so your body settles into meditation with ease.

Create a space that works for you, one where you will be at peace without interruption. Sit or lie down, make sure you are comfortable and not crossing your arms and legs. Check your body for tension and relax. This can be done by breathing deeply into the tense area and then exhaling. Do this several times and feel the tension leave your body.

It is important to breathe in through your nose and down into your abdomen and exhale through your mouth.. This helps your body to relax as it fills with clean,clear oxygen. And on the exhale you release stale toxic air. You will feel the tension leave and your body will relax.

Try The Golden Light Meditation for peace of mind and ease bringing about protection.

Golden Light Meditation

  • First make sure you are comfortable and have settled your breathing.
  • As you begin to relax, visualise golden light in front of you and breathe it in.
  • Imagine it rising up like a fountain and then cascading down over you, showering you with its protection.
  • Breathe in and continue to relax.
  • Each time you breathe in the light and see it cascading over you, imagine all the toxins leaving your body, feel the tension ease and your muscles relax.
  • In this relaxed state see clearly that you are safe and protected.
  • If you wish, you can place this golden light around your family, friends and property.
  • Also send this light to anyone who is sick, lonely or hurt in any way.
  • Continue this meditation until you are ready to finish.

Please view my courses and books or contact me directly.

Trish Stewart | 021 115 3086